Duration: 6 months

Integrated Statistics Platform

Guiding the implementation of a major pharmaceutical corporation's bespoke statistical computing platform, we provided expert Enterprise Architecture guidance.


Starting from the MVP development phase, the customer sought Enterprise Architecture support to help integrate their bespoke statistics platform for their entire clinical data analysis division.

  • Stakeholder Analysis
  • Gap Analysis
  • Enterprise Architecture Analysis


Our bespoke design engaged relevant stakeholders across several high-level teams, involved a thorough Architectural Building Block (ABB) gap analysis, and facilitated knowledge transfer for a seamless transition.


Throughout the implementation phase, we facilitated open communication between the design team, quality management support, and senior stakeholders, providing regular updates and addressing any challenges promptly.

  • Detailed reporting
  • Knowledge Transfer
  • Continuous feedback and improvement

Launch & Testing

Finally, having conducted our analysis and transferred insights in a meaningful format for stakeholders, we deliver our final report, using our expertise and acquired insights to support platform implementation.

  • Deployment planning
  • Performance optimization
  • Final report delivery